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Library Profile

  • College Name:- Yashwant Ayurvedic College, Post Graduate Training & Research Center, Kodoli.

  • Courses: B.A.M.S., M.D./M.S., PhD (Ayurveda)

  • Establishment Date of the Library: 1989. 

  • Software: BIYANI Library Management System (since 2015). Developed by Biyani Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Malad West.

  • Classification: Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme: 9th Edition.

  • Cataloging: OPAC.

  • Bar code Technology is used for the Transaction and Stock Verification.

      Yashwant Ayurvedic College, P.G.T. & R.C. library has about 22,440 books on all the subjects related to Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, relevant contemporary medical sciences, spiritual, and many general reading books. AVs, CDs, and DVDs are also available on many relevant subjects. The library has about 27 Ayurveda and health journals, magazines and a few general magazines. A digital library accessible by students has access to ample e-books, e-journals and medical databases.  Library functions from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sundays and holidays. Alongside the main library, each academic department in the college has its own separate reference library.

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Library Collection

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